Sunday, May 4, 2008

Logan's Meadow receives a new "look"

Tonight I finally did it. I finally relaunched the new look for my website Logan's Meadow. After a while of researching a colour scheme and layout I feel reflects me a little better than the old. After many nights of edits, re-doing the layouts and transferring code, it's done.

the only thing left to do is to launch my own shopping cart/store for the site. Ultimately I wish to be free of relying on others, just as I stated in my last posting. This major addition though will have to wait until next month due to a major lack of time until then.

So, with that said, please visit my site and feel free to let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Marian said...

Yay for you the feel of your new site. Best of luck with your new adventure...the colours suit you!