Friday, December 12, 2008

Working, working, working........and yet?

Well, I've been hard at work. In the last few weeks I have been sketching and brainstorming and just spinning ideas around in my head and yet I feel as though I am just spinning my wheels around and not getting anywhere.

I've been fortunate enough to have a new venture designing a logo for a small business and I'm very excited for it. So far this has been productive but I'm still working on the conceptual sketches. This is definitely new territory for me as I haven't done custom commercial work before and it's new. Very new and while there's a part of me that is incredibly nervous and critical of myself I am loving the challenge.

And tonight I came home to the first sale in a while of my work. I've been sitting on my work for quite some time and haven't been actively marketing it. In the true spirit of an upcoming New Year I will definitely be resolving to market my work more actively.

So much that is just on the verge of "breaking out" but yet so far.......well I will just have to give it a try and hope that it's successful and that others like my work even half as much as I hope they will.