Today I had the pleasure of starting another mural centering around music and I'm very happy with the results so far. Being just one day in to the project quite a bit has been pieced in but there's still a good bit to go yet. I would post the concept drawing but I'd rather wait until the entire piece is finished. I'm enjoying this piece particularly as I'm quite fond of music myself so to use that as the theme for this mural has been a treat.
Here is the progress so far:
I still have yet to finish outlining the lines (my mind's too tired to think of the proper term for them) and to add the details around the trail of notes. Tomorrow I will be accenting with flowers and "twinkling" and moving on to the opposite wall which I am really eager to start. With any luck one more good day will have the piece complete.
This piece has truly been a of fun, and I'm looking forward to getting another day to work on it tomorrow. I'll be sure to update with the next day's progress tomorrow evening. Thanks for looking!