I've always been a very emotional painter.....if I'm not feeling it, it's not happening. This leads to a lot of very charged paintings, my best work has come out of it. Unfortunately it also means long spurts when I don't paint. This year has been an extremely rough one for me in my personal life and has left me with little to no urge to let the feelings flow. Sure, emotions have flowed in the literal sense but allowing those to translate into brush strokes can be difficult. I've found myself doodling a lot in the past month and bit by bit I've started picking up my brushes again. This is the first full sized piece I've attempted in a long time.....and it felt amazing to do it.
While the piece itself looks very dark and somber (I'll admit it's not a cheerful piece, definitely NOT my usual style of fairies, pets and landscapes) it's not a complete departure from anything I've done in the past. I'm quite happy with it.......quite happy with the experience of letting it flow.
Painted to the sound of Tool (46&2 repeated way more than once) and a very heavy mind. I now feel a lot lighter, and have embraced the release of getting feelings onto canvas. I'm hoping that this is going to signal a creative surge and not just a spurt......I'll definitely post as it continues to flow.