Monday, April 2, 2007

ACEO, ATC, and one cool group of Babes.....

Have you noticed the term ACEO in any of my posts yet, LOL? Well, please allow me to clarify the term a little.

ACEO stands for Art Cards, Editions and Originals. Another form they are made/sold under is ATC: Art Trading Cards. The only requirement for these cards is that they do not exceed 2.5 x 3.5 inches in size. Other than that, the sky is the limit. I've been creating on this size of a workspace for about a year now and I love it. Having to youngn's running loose at any given time leaves for little time and an even smaller attention span. This size of space allows me to get my ideas out efficiently and I'm always pretty happy with what I make.

I discovered this popular art form....which gets it's routes on eBay, attracting a large amount of collectors through a discussion forum. One by one, the Babes and I came in and posted examples of our work. From there the group has grown and the encouragement and support of these talented and amazing women has helped me re-discover an enthusiasm and passion for art that I thought was long gone. We've been there for each other, not only for our art, but as a strong force through times of need and sharing the joys in our lives.

These women are dear to me and I truly don't think I would have done what I have had it not been for them! Thank you, words do not even express the gratitude I feel.

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