Sunday, September 23, 2007


Yesterday my husband, the kids and I went to have a great visit with family and didn't leave until after nightfall. We had a gorgeous drive home with an amazing view of the night time sky. From that this new piece was inspired.



***Update October/07*** This piece has been sold.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Autumn Triad

Well I've started to embrace the fact that summer has come to an end and that autumn is now upon us. Not that I really have a choice, but rather than live in denial until the first drops of.....well, let's not go there shall we? brrrrr!

Anyhow, being surrounded by the beautiful, bold colours that autumn brings with it I felt inspired to create what I'm sure will be one of many leafy pieces. Here's my first one created in 4 x 6 inch OSWOA format.

Autumn Triad

Autumn Triad

This piece will be put up for auction tomorrow night. Thanks for looking!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Familiar Comfort update.....

The 4 x 6 inch Halloween inspired Familiar Comfort is now up for auction for the second time. My apologies for not having posted the link earlier.

Click Here to view the running auction. The link is also accessible through my Auctions tab on the Logan's Meadow website

Thanks for looking!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Schools in......

Well today my eldest started her first day of Junior Kindergarten so naturally my mind has been obsessed with thoughts of my daughter and school.

One of my daughter's favorite outdoor activities is hop-scotch....well as close to hopscoth as a four year old can get. In any case I started sketching and I now have in my posession on of my most favorite watercolours I have ever made. I really enjoyed creating this piece and I look forward to it's debut in my saleable collection. I'm not sure if I could sell the original but I am definitely going to research releasing a limited edition of prints.....

Hop To It

It is a 4 x 6 inch OSWOA created with watercolour paints on 140 lb watercolour paper, titled appropriately; "Hop To It" This piece gave me yet another opportunity to experiment using masking techniques....I love this stuff!

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Better late than never......

Familiar Comfort is now up for auction through my eBay auctions....

You can see the auction by clicking: Here

I apologise for the delay with posting the auction link for Familiar Comfort, however once again my life took a turn for the hectic. My eldest is starting kindergarten tommorrow and life has pretty much surrounded the upcoming day. I am so proud of my little artiste!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Update on Enchanted Profile.....

The acrylic paint aceo is now up for auction through ebay.

Click Here

to visit the auction. Thank you for looking!

Getting a little spookier...

and September has only just begun!

Here's my next piece in preperation of the Halloween art rush on eBay. This piece was created using coloured pencils in OSWOA format.

Familiar Comfort
Familiar Comfort

This theme is working well for me and I have a few more ideas....particularly to revisit my original cat series. However I am really wating to sit down and paint some particular scenes from my recent camping trip. So many ideas to get out of my head, yet such limited time to sit down and get them out.