Well today I have started a way of painting that is very new to me. Today I started painting a mural which will be enjoyed by some very special kids in my life. This morning I set out, supplies in hand, to start my very first piece of "3D art". While now I am extremely sore to the point that typing this is difficult, I am so satisfied with all that I completed on my very first day. Over the next few weeks I'll be keeping you all up to date with the progress of the project right up until the completion. Who knows, maybe this is something that will take and I'll find myself doing another one in the future.
*note about the pictures* These were taken using my camera phone so the colours aren't 100% true to the actual thing.

Midway through the day. The sky has been painted with two coats of light blue Flat paint and I have begun "ragging" the distant trees. There will be a great deal more detail added later on.

And finally the end of Day 1. The sky is painted, the background trees have been ragged on and the baseboard is painted as well. It will be another two weeks before I get to work on this again, but hopefully Day 2 will show as much progress as today.

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