Today I have decided to start what is definitely my largest piece on canvas yet. I've been intending on creating a new piece for my living room since the idea was given once we had painted the room at the end of the summer last year. I'll be blogging regarding the progress the entire way and hopefully at the end I'll have a piece I'll actually want to hang up. Any one who knows me knows that I'm incredibly hard on myself and while I have sold a few pieces......I still have a hard time displaying it where others will see it in my own home. completely irrational I'm sure, but an artist is ultimately their own harshest critic.
That aside, today not much progress has been made apart from deciding the actual design of the piece and blocking it in on the canvas itself. The total size is 24 x 28 inches and as of yet won't be framed however the edging will be painted a darker chocolate brown to match the accents in the room in which it will be hung. I'm looking forward to what this will turn into and I'm very hopeful it won't be overly difficult. My aim is to keep it simple so as not too stick out too much in a room that's already pretty bold.
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