I'm really starting to enjoy the larger canvas in the last few months, and this piece is definitely one that I enjoyed doing purely due to the way the size of the work space contributes to the effect. With autumn being upon us, I am fortunate to see some incredibly GORGEOUS sights as I drive along my local roads. The colours have changed and I find myself surrounded by the most bold and vibrant colours amongst the empty harvested corn fields and the growing fall crops. As I was driving I struggled with this image I wanted to capture in paint and have been itching to get it out.
From this came this painting, hopefully I've managed to capture it in a way that appeals to more than just me.....however I am very happy with it regardless. There's something about fall foliage that brightens my day and captures my attention. This piece will be staying with me......however I am working on an idea to release some affordable prints in my etsy shop in the upcoming weeks.

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