Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Work In Progress part 2

Well tonight I attempted to continue work on my fall foliage piece.......and I am now completely reminded as to why I am not fond of oil paints as a medium. People who know me can confirm that patience is not really one of my strong suits and oil painting is definitely something that requires patience. With watercolours and acrylics the process is much for final and you have to work quickly. Oils are very forgiving and will stay wet for days at a time. They blend beautifully and their colours are so very vibrant.

Last night I was unable to work on the piece as the blocked in foliage and the sky were still very wet and any brush strokes I made were blending the surroundings in. So, I shelved it thinking I could pick it up tonight and continue on with little difficulty.

I was wrong. Although I was wrong though I did manage to get the trunk and thicker branches blocked in and some shading worked into the trunk. While I'm getting frustrated at how little I was able to accomplish I am satisfied with what was laid onto the canvas. I will have to adapt my thinking on this piece and the speed I was hoping to finish it....if not anything else it will be a lesson for myself.....and one I am looking forward to seeing through until this painting's completion. Once the sky and leaves completely dry I will go back in to paint in the finer branches.

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