Monday, October 12, 2009

Work In Progress......part 1

Well, for the first time in over two months I have managed to grab a paintbrush with the intention to paint.....a picture. That alone isn't the only thing that has made me feel successful tonight. This also marked the first time I've attempted a piece using oil paints in at least a year and a half if not in almost two years.

Oils are great....fantastic......however I find them very hard at times to work with and requiring a LOT of patience. Patience is not one of my stronger qualities, so that said I tend to gravitate more towards watercolours and acrylics.

I am very often taken by the strong and powerful colours that autumn brings, making it a very popular subject for me. Right now this is only the first sitting with this piece and I can only hope that I keep up the momentum. I'm hoping that by keeping up with updates regarding the piece as it progresses I'll be more motivated to keep up the momentum and see this one through to completion.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.........

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