Sunday, October 18, 2009

Work In Progress part 3

Today I feel rather productive. This morning I went out for some fall fun with my two kids and had a blast making leaf piles and then destroying them. Yeah, leaves make great mulch and act as nature's compost.....but who can resist raking them up and then immediately jumping in???? Well, we couldn't and as a result the motivation to start working on my latest painting was renewed.

Today I managed to get a lot done and had a hard time putting the brush down. I've completed all I can for now though and will have to wait for this layer of paint to dry before moving on to lighter leaves. As always, the slow drying time of the oil paints can be a bit of a bother forcing me to leave longer amounts of time between sittings than I would like, but it's paying off and I can honestly say that I'm happy with the progress. Believe it or not, the initial blocked in orange of the leaves is still a little wet!

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